The average cost of a data breach in 2021 was

$4.24 million

a 10% increase from the previous year

(Cyber Resilient Organization Report by IBM)

Cybersecurity is a critical concern for organizations as the threat landscape continues to evolve. The average time to identify and contain a breach is

280 days

As our dependence on data grows, so too does our vulnerability.

88% of

data breaches

are due to human error.


Cyber survivability is an organization's ability to withstand and recover from cyber threats and attacks while maintaining critical operations and functions. Pandata Tech offers solutions to mitigate internal and external cybersecurity risks, as cyber incidents can cause significant damage to organizations. External cyber risks happen when a person or group with bad intentions outside the organization tries to hack into a decision system, while internal cyber risks are caused by bad actors, in error by employees, configurations, software, or hardware components that directly affect the quality of the data that feeds the decision system. By prioritizing cyber survivability, organizations can prevent, detect, and respond to cyber threats, as well as mitigate the impact of a cyber incident.


Both the Data Quality Method (DQM) solution and the Human-Centered Data Labeling tool, mitigate internal cybersecurity risks by ensuring reliable and trustworthy data across the data pipeline.


ISAAC integrates different technologies such as distributed ledger, AI, physics, and analytics to create a multilevel, zero-trust architecture, keeping users informed of potential risks in critical infrastructure decision systems. ISAAC specifically addresses challenges with ICS SCADA AI and Cyber Survivability.

By leveraging Pandata Tech’s solutions, organizations can reduce their risk of exposure to cyber threats, maintain business continuity, and safeguard their reputation.

Experience the benefits for yourself.

What Cyber Survivability Helps Prevent

Operational Disruptions

  • System downtime leading to a loss of productivity and revenue.

  • Inability to access or use critical systems and data.

  • Costs associated with restoring and repairing systems after a cyberattack.

  • Disruption to supply chain and partner relationships leading to a loss of revenue and sales

  • Loss of key personnel due to damage to the organization's reputation.

Financial Losses and Negative Outcomes

  • Theft of sensitive data or funds resulting in significant financial losses to organizations.

  • Remediation costs and legal fees incurred in the aftermath of a cyberattack.

  • Loss of revenue and sales due to a damaged reputation or system downtime.

  • Costs associated with data validation and incident response.

  • Costs associated with investigations and audits.

  • Costs associated with notifying clients and/or staff, providing identity protection, and responding to inquiries.

Real World Impact



Colonial Pipeline Cyber Attack

In 2021, the United States experienced a significant cyber attack on the Colonial Pipeline, highlighting the vulnerability of SCADA/ICS critical infrastructure. The attack involved a ransomware called DarkSide, which targeted the pipeline's operational technology systems responsible for controlling and monitoring the pipeline's flow of fuel. This incident disrupted the fuel supply along the East Coast, leading to widespread fuel shortages and highlighting the potential consequences of cyber attacks on critical infrastructure.

Attack on Water Infrastructure

In 2020, Israel reported a cyber attack on its water infrastructure, specifically targeting its water supply systems. The attack aimed to manipulate water chlorine levels, potentially posing a risk to public health. Although the attack was thwarted, it underscored the vulnerability of SCADA/ICS systems in the water sector and the potential consequences of such attacks on critical infrastructure. 



Energy Infrastructure Cyber Attack

In 2019, a ransomware attack on a US natural gas compression facility highlighted the vulnerability of energy infrastructure. The attack, attributed to a sophisticated state-sponsored hacking group, disrupted operations for two days by targeting the human-machine interface (HMI) used to interact with industrial control systems. This incident marked the first successful attack on a US natural gas facility and underscored the potential consequences of cyber attacks on critical energy infrastructure.

SolarWinds Hack into Gov’t Networks

In 2020, the SolarWinds hack exposed vulnerabilities in various industries, including clean energy. The hack targeted SolarWinds, a US-based IT company that provided services to the US government, including the Department of Energy. The attack exposed sensitive data and allowed hackers to infiltrate government networks, including those related to clean energy infrastructure. The incident exposed the critical vulnerability of energy systems, raising significant security concerns and highlighting the urgent need for robust cybersecurity measures. 

See how Pandata Tech can help with your organization’s cyber survivability.

How Our Products Help

Risk Mitigation and Security Enhancement

  • Ensure reliable and trustworthy data across the data pipeline with Data Quality Method (DQM) solution.

  • Ensure reliable and trustworthy data across the data pipeline with the Data Quality Method (DQM) solution

  • Boost risk mitigation in data acquisition and enterprise decision systems with the Data Quality Method (DQM) solution.

  • Implement a secure, zero-trust framework with the ISAAC Risk Mitigation platform for critical infrastructure decision systems.

Data Reliability and Decision Confidence

  • Uncover valuable insights and prevent cyber threats through advanced data labeling techniques with the Human-Centered Data Labeling tool.

  • Identify and prioritize potential risks using the ISAAC Risk Mitigation platform.

  • Make confident decisions with trustworthy and reliable data.

Operational Resilience and Continuity

  • Proactively detect and address potential risks through ongoing monitoring.

  • Maintain seamless operations with a focus on cyber survivability.

  • Minimize disruptions caused by cyber threats and attacks.

Reputation and Trust Management

  • Gain an edge over competitors by prioritizing cybersecurity.

  • Protect your organization's reputation and customer trust from cyber threats.

  • Instill confidence in employees and customers through robust cybersecurity practices.

Experience the benefits of Pandata Tech’s products firsthand.